Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Busy Times

 I have been pretty busy lately, with little time to go birding around HK. Most of the time, I was just birding along my local patch to see what birds it could produce. On one of the few excursions that I went on this month, I found our first signs of spring migrants in the form of a few red necked stints in tai sang wai.

Red necked stint

Along with that, our wintering visitors were still hanging along, as there were a few little ringed and kentish plovers along with a few temminck's stints.

Little Ringed Plover

Kentish Plover

Temmink's Stint

Other common birds in the surrounding area of the fishpond includes a few red throated pipits, dusky warblers and white throated kingfishers. 

Red throated Pipit

Dusky Warbler

White Throated Kingfisher

Farther into the fishponds, other birds that I got were eurasian coots, common kingfisher, pied kingfishers, peregrine falcon, golden headed cisticola and eurasian kestrel. 

Eurasian Coot

Common Kingfisher

Pied Kingfisher

Peregrine Falcon

Golden headed cisticola 

Eurasian Kestrel

I also visited Tai Lam Country Park to try for the recently-showing white throated rock thrush and the rufous gorgeted flycatcher. I only got photos of the rufous gorgeted flycatcher, and I saw the rock thrush briefly flew past.

Rufous Gorgeted Flycatcher

Closer to home, the hopwoodi ashy drongo stayed on until just recently, on the last time I saw it, it gave me the best views since I found it. Other than that, I also got the usual ashy drongos and good views of daurian redstarts scarlet minivets, chestnut bulbuls and amur stonechats. 

Hopwoodi Ashy Drongo - great views!

Ashy Drongo

Daurian Redstart - female

Scarlet Minivet

Chestnut Bulbul

Amur Stonechat